5669 MEETING Elul; Virgo AND THE HIGH HOLY DAYS; Tishray; Libra Scales

Counting forward forty days brings us to the 25th day of Elul. Since Rosh Hashanah is the day humans were created, counting back we find that this day is “day one” of creation. Forty is a number associated with transformation. The gestation, as it were, of transformation and Tshuvah begin at this time. Tshuvah cycle is birthed on this day. By the time Elul arrives Tshuvah; return time is ripe and ready to transform.

It is a beginning of Tshuvah and preparing for the judgement of the high Holy days. The Shabbat following Tisha b’Av is called the Shabbat of comfort Shabbat nahamu. Av them melts into Elul; Virgo. Elul calls for T’shuva; return. T’shuvah prepares us for the days of awe coming in Tishray – libra’s scales.

An opportunity for transformation each and every year exists. The process is beginning right now quietly and with subtlety. It is time to start asking, “How will I change this next year.”

Tmimah Audrey ickovits

