About Rabbi T'mimah
Rabbi T’mimah Ickovits, BSE, is a ritual leader, spiritual companion, and translation artist. She is the founding rabbi and spiritual leader of Holistic Jew, a center for devotion and study in Satna Monica, CA. She recently returned from co-leading a five-day bearing witness interfaith retreat at Auschwitz. Rabbi T’mimah published Seven Sacred Circles to share skillful means of cultivating the Divine Feminine and to elevate rituals honoring life and death. She compiled the Holistic Jew Weekday Shahareet siddur. Rabbi T’mimah is a certified Moreh Derech, Spiritual Director, completed The Gamliel Institute end of life support program, and is passionate about Jewish Green Burial.

Holistic Jew
Holistic Jew is a community in Santa Monica. We take delight in the ongoing process of renewing Judaism as a means of drawing spiritual and ethical vitality into our lives. We receive significant spiritual inspiration from the legacies of Masters of Kabbalah, Hassidic traditions and through the wisdom of the calendar's natural cycles. We honor the continuum of holy days in a variety of ways including prayer, the study of Kabbalah and Hassidic sources, meditation, chanting, music, and movement to enhance both the individual and communal experience. We embrace a global vision of the role of all people and spiritual paths in the healing transformation of life on planet Earth. All food offered is ethically sourced and kosher with produce from the Holistic Jew garden.