The days of Elul are “Eit Ratzon” – a time Divine Openness, Longing and Desire.
Weaved from the Holy Rebbe the Tzvi Elimelekh of Dinov in his inspiring book, Sefer Bnai Yisaskhar.
The early rabbis teach that Rosh Elul coincides on the calendar with the first of forty days Moshe ascended Mt Sinai to receive the final tablets. The day the tablets were given, then, is Yom Kippur. It was during Elul, The Holy One of Blessing forgave Yisrael for the mistake of the creating and praying to the golden calf.
The Beloved Holy One of blessing experienced intense yearning and desire for Yisrael people at this juncture in time. Since then, these days (Elul) are known as days of “Eit Ratzon” (Divine) Desire. The Yearning and Divine Desire (Masculine/Transmission Waters) arouses Yisrael (Feminine/Receptive Waters). They are called to return (T’shuvah) to Source. Yisrael responds to the Beloved’s right arm open, as it were, to receive those who wish return to a loving safe embrace.
May the prayers of your heart be heard and answered.
Posted in Teachings