Exploring the B’nai Issachar with Rabbi T’mimah Ickovits
Wednesdays April 13 – June 1, 2022
12 Noon – 1 PM Pacific Time
Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Spira of Dinov composed his great work, “B’nai Issachar” between 1820 – 1840. Join Rabbi T’mimah in exploring a selection of one of the most insightful and holistic Rebbes of the Hasidic world. His expertise included extensive work in astrology and practical kabbalah. His work has had a major impact on modern re-considerations of Hasidism and neo-Hasidic spirituality. Most of it remains untranslated.
Rabbi T’mimah is actively translating key sections of this text. Join us during this potent and mysterious time in the calendar cycle to explore secrets in time including the unique movement between Passover and Shavuot.
A great introduction to the confluence of Hasidic philosophy, esoteric commentary on the Holy Days and Calendar, Midrashic Homilies, kabbalah, and astrology.
This is very exciting material rarely taught in a liberal Renewal setting and it is great meaningful fun!

Rabbi T’mimah Audrey Ickovits, BSE, is a scholar, translator, and ritual artist. She is the founding rabbi of Holistic Jew and dedicated to cultivating meaning filled expressions of the Divine Feminine. Faithful to the environment and committed to equality in death, Rabbi T’mimah teaches in support of green, cost-effective, and sacred end-of-life options. An avid gardener, Rabbi T’mimah loves the partnership with nature it offers. Rabbi T’mimah is passionate about ancestral wisdom and bringing it forward to inform contemporary challenges. She teaches Continuum Movement Liquid Kabbalah workshops. Rabbi T’mimah writes a weekly blog on the Torah portion. You can learn more about her at www.HolisticJew.org.
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