About Holistic Jew
Holistic Jew provides a warm Jewish environment for people of diverse backgrounds and orientations to share in celebration, expression, devotion and the art of sacred connection. Located in Santa Monica, CA we set tradition in motion to integrate heart, body, and mind, with Spirit. Services are offered locally, online, and we are available for travel.
Reverently irreverent, Holistic Jew is committed to the ongoing holy play between Kevah (structure) with Kavanah (the prayer of our hearts). Torah study, prayer and meditationprovide skillful means that create sparks for innovation and renewal. As stewards of Earth ethically sourced kosher food is served at community meals. Often, we enjoy produce from The Holistic Jew garden.
Holistic Jew tracks the unfolding mystery of each moment and the wondrous ways Sh’khinah; Presence weaves her way into life. Kindness, compassion, community, and empathy are cultivated by means of learning, meditation, prayer, song, and sacred movement. Women, men, and all people are invited to participate in the cultivation of Sh’khinah (Presence) in support of healing ourselves, relationships, community, sister traditions, and Earth.
Events Include:
Shabbat and Holiday Celebration outdoors and socially distanced - space is limited.
Kabbalah and Hassidus Torah study
Online courses in Torah, Kabbalah, Hassidus and Davvenology (prayer)
Jewish Moving Meditation - Liquid Kabbalah Continuum Movement Courses and Retreats
Spiritual Counseling and Companionship
Life Cycle Events
Cultivating kind, green, traditional end of life practices
Let us help co-create your next simhah.
We welcome sponsors for Shabbat and Holy Day meals and to provide support for special programs and projects.
Holistic Jew Garden
Holistic Jew delights in cultivating food in our own garden and enjoying home grown vegetables at festival meals. From seed to harvest, every step cultivates awareness to earthly patterns. We use organic methods to control pests (OMRI certified). Worms transform waste into potent compost that nourishes fruit giving plants. It is empowering and beautiful to witness the movement of life through each tomato, eggplant, lettuce leaf... slowly spiral into fruition. This uplifts any dining experience.
Homegrown produce tastes better than conventionally grown produce. People feel really well after eating. (Skeptical? Check it out!) The process of cultivating the garden, and co-creating food for community heightens awareness and appreciation of Earth’s blessings and potency.
Join us for events in the Garden, including sharing meals, planting seeds, harvesting produce. Join us for Sukkot - in a Sukkah adjacent to the garden with a view of the great Pacific.
More Joy, Less Oy!
Holistic Jew is inclusive and pluralistic center dedicated to Renewing Judaism. We draw wisdom from Kabbalah, Hassidism, Jewish Renewal. Reconstructionist movement, as well as Reform, Conservative, Orthodoxy Judaism. Science, Nature and her movements support insights. We combine traditional wisdom with contemporary sensibilities.
Davvenen, Meditation, Movement, Crystal Bowls, and Song.