Books for Sale

Seven Sacred Circles

Seven Sacred Circles brings a meaningful “lost” practice back to life from Sefer Maavor Yabbok Judaism’s mysterious book on preparing for a kind end to life. The ritual is invigorated with newly feminized liturgy for use by women. The original liturgy, for men, is included as well.

Sacred circles, Hakafot, are a Jewish practice that cultivate honor for the deceased and honor the circles of their life. Circuits are a means of cultivating Sh’khinah; The Divine Feminine indwelling presence and is modeled by the feminine Tree of life’s circles seen below.

Feminine Tree of Life

Circles are inclusive. They have no defined beginning nor end. Consider the circle of constellations in the heavens. Each one has the leadership position for 1 month each solar cycle. Each, shines its unique blessings at the right time according to the season. There is no hierarchy.


Zodiac Constellations & Hebrew Months

Communal circling is a joyous practice done when completing the Autumn harvest festival on Sukkot on Hoshana Rabbah and Simhat Torah. The Jewish wedding ceremony invites a more intimate seven circles beneath a Huppah.

Seven Sacred Circles is an initiation into the secret of seven hakafot. It breaks down the spiritual technology making it simple to enter into each circle with intention and meaning every time seven circles circling is done or as often as you like. It is not only about circling at life’s end. You may find new opportunities to circle dance through attuning into these methods.

Seven Sacred Circles - Buy Now


Holistic Jew Weekday Shahareet Siddur

Holistic Jew Weekday Shahareet Siddur explains spiritual technology of the siddur while integrating a traditional liturgy, egalitarian heart opening translations suitable for prayer. Commentary highlights reverence for Earth and her patterns, meditative practices from Classical Kabbalah, many translated to English for the first time to add depth. Inclusivity is key.

Excerpts from the siddur:

Holistic Jew

The Divine Presence in Our Lives

Rabbi T'mimah's translations and compilations integrate a traditional text, egalitarian translations that highlight Earth aware meanings and practices from schools of Classical Kabbalah, many translated to English for the first time.

Classical Kabbalah provides a body of knowledge on how to use these prayer practices optimally, aligning movement through prayer with movement into known corresponding states of consciousness that serve as portals into Divine realms.

Prayer books (siddurim) are sequenced compilations of Judaism's best prayer practices that provide a structure and support for the davvenen journey to invite Presence into life day by day.

Holistic Jew
Holistic Jew
Holistic Jew

“Prayer is a kind of welcoming of Creator’s will to be in relationship with Creation. The more that Will is welcomed, the more vivid the experience of G!D’s presence in our lives."

Shabbat liturgy recalls that Jews are a people of honor the sacred seven. Classical Kabbalah practices highlight the potency of seven sacred. Each aspect holds a sacred character:

It can be said that Jewish life centers on the sacred seven and Shabbat. Classical Kabbalah highlights the potency of the sacred seven. Each one emanating a unique aspect.
1) Hesed: Grace, Flowing with ease like water
2) G’vurah: Boundaries, Membranes to direct Grace’s flow, like fire
3) Tiferet: Balance, Truth (Grace and Discipline balance)
4) Netzah: Tenacity, Perseverance, Victory,
5) Hod: Gratitude, Humility, Glory - to fly like a bird flies, swim like a fish swims, – accessing currents that are helpful, holy surfing through life, the way of the prophet and priestess
6) Yesod: Foundation, Intimacy, Reproduction
7) Malkhut: Sovereignty, Receptivity, Grounding