In honor of Rosh Hodesh Iyar, last week, Torah from the holy rebbe, Bnai Yiasakhar
You need to know that each month has a unique permutation of The Four-Letter Name. In the first month, Nissan, is the most familiar sequence – YHVH. These 12 combinations are called The Name of Twelve.

- The permutation of Havayah that rules this month of Iyar is יקקו It comes forward from the acronym of the Verse in Hebrew from Yirmiyahu 9:23 – “Yithallel Hamithallel Heskel V’yadua”; “Let the one who glories; glory, be conscious, and know”.
כב כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה, אַל-יִתְהַלֵּל חָכָם בְּחָכְמָתוֹ, וְאַל-יִתְהַלֵּל הַגִּבּוֹר, בִּגְבוּרָתוֹ; אַל-יִתְהַלֵּל עָשִׁיר, בְּעָשְׁרוֹ. | 22 This what Havayah says: Let not the wise glory in their wisdom, neither let the mighty glory in their might, let not the rich glory in their riches; |
כג כִּי אִם-בְּזֹאת יִתְהַלֵּל הַמִּתְהַלֵּל, הַשְׂכֵּל וְיָדֹעַ אוֹתִי–כִּי אֲנִי יְהוָה, עֹשֶׂה חֶסֶד מִשְׁפָּט וּצְדָקָה בָּאָרֶץ: כִּי-בְאֵלֶּה חָפַצְתִּי, נְאֻם-יְהוָה. {ס} | 23 But let the ones who praise – glory, be conscious, and know Me, for I am Havayah who manifests grace, justice, and righteousness, on earth; for in these things I delight, said Havayah. {S} |
And when we contemplate the words of the holy Teacher, the Ariz”l as it relates to the secret t’fillin of Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam we find that the tefillin of Rashi are put together in the standard order יקוק that illuminates for us during the month of Nissan that comes forward from the verse “Yism’khu haShamyim v’tagel ha-aretz” – “The heavens will rejoice and the land will be waving in gladness” from psalm 96:11.
יא יִשְׂמְחוּ הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְתָגֵל הָאָרֶץ; יִרְעַם הַיָּם, וּמְלֹאוֹ. | 11 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and its fullness; |
The tefillin of Rabbeinu Tom are (configured) in the secret of יקקו that comes forward from the verse”; “Yithallel Hamithallel Heskel V’yadua”, related to this month, Iyar. The Ari wrote, that these tefillin, (related to Rabbeinu Tam,) are greatly designated for the grokking of wisdom.

Therefore, the permutation that is hinted at by means of the verse, “Yithallel Hamithallel Heskel V’yadua”, “Let the one who glories; glory, be conscious, and know” – when you contemplate all this you will understand that this month, in which the permutation mentioned above illuminates, is a treasure designated for deep understanding.
2) In Sefer Yetzirah, “the letter vav was anointed in thought tied to Keter (Crown) and permuted this with that forming through them; Bull (Taurus) in space (olam), and Iyar in time (shanah), and the right kidney in soul (nefesh), male and female”. Based on matters mentioned earlier, and focusing on permutation (of The Four-Letter Name) mentioned previously, that illuminates in Iyar, “Yithallel Hamithallel Heskel V’yadua”; “Let the one who glories; glory, be conscious, and know…”, and it is designated for intelligence, and knowledge, as well as the matter about the T’fillin of Rabbeinu Tam. Therefore, the creation of thought belongs to this month, which is in the mind of the conscious. Look at what I wrote in section 2, on Pesah Sheni, and item 6 additionally about thought and similar matters.
(It seems to me (Rabbi T’mimah) that since the omer is counted through the entirety of this month, increasing consciousness and knowing will tend to organically manifest using the daily contemplation and counting through Iyar.).

3) The month of Iyaar is tried and tested in wisdom related to healing. It is designated for healing – to empty the stomach from mold and black bile. It looks to me the reason it is related to this particular month is that most illnesses and diseases come about by means of food – that is not suitable for the temperament of the person.
This month mana started to descend from the heavens – “The Bread of Valor” Psalm 78:24. Bread that was swallowed by Valiant .( alternative translations – courageous/limbs of human /tissue types in human body).

There was nothing (unhealthy) resulting from it – no disease and no ailments. And so, there remains the this (healing) nature sustains in this month. Look at what I wrote ahead number 5.
This time of year is potent for expanding personal awareness. Counting the Omer is different every year in that new ideas initiate, as new channels of connectivity make themselves known. This is a great time to delve into The Ongoing Mystery.