Join Holistic Jew founder, Rabbi T’mimah Ickovits, at her beautiful Santa Monica home and spiritual sanctuary near the beach, for our Rosh Hodesh Sh’vat Celebration – a New Moon circle for women only.
Carrying on the spirit of Miriam the Prophet, Rosh Hodesh Sh’vat gives us a chance for renewed grace and inspiration. Sefer Yetzirah teaches that Sh’vat is the Jewish month of Aquarius, the water carrier. It is the rainy season in Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. The Water carriers on high have been busy pouring “jugs” of gracious nourishing, life-giving water. offering new life and vitality for the upcoming season, may it be so. Talmud teaches that Torah is (like) water, it gives life, ease, spreads easily, and nourishes life as we know it.
Join us to fine out out why Aquarius is said to be the Mazal (Constellation) of Yisroel people.
Learn Hassidic Text; Torah of Space-Time from the Brilliant Mystic Bnei Yisaskhar *
a Tree oF Life Meditation
inquiry with Continuum Movement Liquid Kabbalah
Cultivate a sharing circle
Once you have registered for the event, an email will be sent with the location details. Wear comfy clothing you can move in, bring a notebook, and curiosity.
*Note: Hassidism was founded in 1734 by Rabbi Yisroel (Israel) Ba’al Shem Tov (BESH”T)to apply mystical concepts from Kabbalah, to support the community in understanding and using them to develop a personal, loving relationship with the Creator of All. Think of it as an “applied Kabbalah,” inspiring life with joy, depth, and vibrant enthusiasm, everyone at their own level.
The Hassidic Master, B’nai Issachar. Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Spira of Dinov composed his great work, “B’nai Yissachar,” between 1820 – 1840. His expertise included an extensive background in astrology and practical kabbalah. Rabbi Tzvi Elimelekh’s humility shines through his writing. His work has greatly impacted modern re-considerations of Hasidism and neo-Hasidic spirituality. Most of his book remains untranslated.