Shalom Friends, Family, and Colleagues

Energize your spiritual life and add new skills to your meditative tool kit.
You are invited to participate in a six-session online course of study of Kabbalah, Prayer, and Meditation starting April 19.
There is an early bird discount through the end of February.
This is a great time to sign up.
We will explore the following:
- Earth-Based Davvenen
- Tree of Life and Prayer
- “Kavanot” (Intentions)
- Healing
- Cultivating the Divine Feminine
- Accessing Self
Kabbalah, Prayer, and Meditation will introduce you to tools that are fun and simple to use.
Here is a bit about how I started to learn about Kabbalah and Prayer:
Just after the turn of the millennium, I had the privilege of studying with Moshe Idel. I learned so much
from him as it relates to the history of Kabbalah and the different models used by different
mystics. He gave one statement that redirected my focus. “Why do people study Kabbalah?”, he
asked, then after a brief pause, he answered his question., “People study Kabbalah to learn how to pray.”
After that, I was on a mission, and I made it my business to go to his office hours week after week
with my little red Kabbalistic siddur (early edition Oz haT’fillah by Rav Yehudah Shaharabani)
to ask about the kavvanot (Kabbalistic Meditations) within it. This rocked my prayer world and
opened a door to ongoing meaning and exploration.
It is my heart’s desire to share these methods with those called to this work.
You can sign up for the course at this link:
On a related note, I have compiled the Holistic Jew weekday siddur to make these methods accessible in a format palatable to a Renewal Jew. It includes contemporary practices, like including the Ancestral mothers (Imahot) in the Amidah. Here is a link to purchase the prayer book from Lulu – It is optional for this course of study, not required.
Smiles and Blessings,
Rabbi T’mimah