adapted from Sefer Yetzirah and B’nay Yisaskhar

This year I will post about each particular month and mazal related to it. We will focus on the uniqueness and potencies imprinted through patterns of time. I am excited to bring forward wisdom from sources like Sefer Yetzirah and B’nei Yisaskhar into the view to explore this ancient wisdom and how it is useful in contemporary life.
When we understand time patterns, we can meet Sh’khinah, Divine Presence, seeded into the local cosmos. We can develop a friendship with the changing Presence fluttering around the heads of God Wrestling people. We learn how to influence outcomes towards goodness. When we do this, we see the good in al matters and elevate one another. (paraphrased from Sefer B’nay Yisaskhar)
It is getting colder; the harvest season is drawing to a close. Leaves are changing colors and falling from trees in the Northern Hemisphere. Provisions grown in the Summer are being canned for use in the upcoming winter months. The focus shifts inward as the daylight hours diminish. Uncertainty, spooky images, often mischievous, humorous Jack o’ Lanterns, Skeletons, Witches, Goblins, Costumes, Trick or Treat, Halloween, All Saints Day, and Day of the Dead are in the air.
Locally, in the US, The tension is high. Violence is in the air and has been committed on the national stage Paul Pelosi, the husband of Speaker Nancy Pelosi was attacked by an intruder in the privacy of his own home and bludgeoned by a hammer. This is domestic terrorism.
The brilliant mystic, Bnay Yisaskhar, also known as R Tzvi Elimelekh Shapiro, is an excellent guide into secrets imprinted into time. He served in Poland and Hungary. He shares that he observed governmental decrees and taxes were frequently decided at this time of year. Often these decrees were harsh on the Jewish community. (paraphrased Bnay Yisaskhar Heshvan 1″2)
It is election season. Judgments are being made. Israel and Brazil have held elections in recent days. In one week, elections will be held in the United States. Citizens will have a chance to select who will be in power and make decisions impacting the law.
This is a critical election in the United States. Its consequences will be felt for generations. Complaints and concerns will only be heard if you participate. Everyone needs to vote and share their voice in the collective.

The next holiday, Hannukah, commemorates the Winter solstice’s darkest time of the year, leaving almost two months without any Jewish holiday days. This lack of holy days brought fear to the ancestors. When the early astrologers looked up into the heavens, they saw a scorpion – a small creepy land creature with pinching claws and stinging tails. Their sight evokes fear among humans. They can cause pain. The Scorpio, and its nature, are acknowledged by astrologers – Jews and non-Jews alike – during this time.
The letter Nun was made sovereign and tied to Keter (Crown) and through it were formed Scorpio in Space and Heshvan in Time…
Sefer Yetzirah 5:2
Sefer Yetzirah designates a connection between Heshavan with the astrological sign Scorpio and the Letter Nun.
Scorpions invite fear and uncertainty. They carry weapons where ever they go; large claws that can pinch and puncture the skin and a potent stinger no one wants to be near. The letter nun points to Nefilah (falling) and also Neshamah (Soul), Nefesh (Spirit), and Ness (Miracle). These reflect highs and lows.
Agricultural communities have responded creatively to winter’s needs by preserving food by canning to minimize the risk of getting “pinched” in the cold of Winter.
This month of Heshvan has been known as “Mar Heshvan” (Bitter Heshvan). With a shift of consciousness and re-ordering of the letters of Mar (bitter), Raam (exalted) is brought forth from the MaR (bitter) Heshvan. Talmud teaches that this is the month of Noah’s Flood.
The bitterness creates a vacuum, experienced as void of Presence.
It is a space calling for blessings and inviting Sh’khinah. In this way, Heshvan is energetic vacuum begging to be filled with potential energy year after year.
Mar-Heshvan will be transformed into Raam Heshvan in the future. Lingering bitterness will be released. Revelation and redemption will arrive. Humanity will connect and invite Presence into day-to-day life. Our home, Earth, will be honored and protected, everyone will have food to eat, ease will seep into everyday life, and kindness will be the way of the land.
B’nay Yisaskhar shows that the third Temple will be dedicated in Heshvan, elevating it to Raam Heshvan. We can transform bitter to elevated.
How may it manifest? Here is a possibility based on deep Torah and a vision by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi zt”l:
These are three foundational aspects from Sefer Yetzirah that relate to 1) any particular moment and 2) a process. We will consider both.
Let’s look at Jewish practice over the millennia; 1) Jews went to the sacred space, the Temple, to worship. Holy Space was the dominant aspect of worship. 2) When the Temple in Yerushalayim was destroyed, the first Rabbis got together to initiate a means to meet Source through prayers based on the calendar. Rabbinical Judaism meets The Creator through time. 3) Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi Zt”l pointed out that everyone born has a unique task to complete to move humanity to deeper awareness. Refinement is needed, and it comes about through individuation. All this being true, the third temple may be the human body, the vehicle (Merkavah) each of us is gifted with as we enter Earth’s space-time continuum.
However the upcoming wave of awareness manifests, it will be part of a natural sequence of events. A next most natural step. May it be a peaceful, joyful, nourishing, and empowering process of becoming.
The change began in the 18th century with the initiation of Hassidism and the Ba’al Shem Tov. They practiced Judaism with a focus on inclusivity for all. Until then, only the wealthy elite could afford to spend time learning. The Ba’al Shem Tov taught working people to experience the presence and Divine Love. He was the father of Hassidism and brought a new wave of awareness to Jewish practice. Later in the 19th century, the Reform movement started forming. Since then, many movements have come forward – Jewish Renewal, Reconstructionist Neo-Hassidic, and Conservative – providing community and Jewish experiences beyond what was offered by Orthodox.
This is a result of the age of individuation that is coming forward. Everyone has their task to do in the world, and every one’s need are unique.
The challenge is that the closer humanity gets to this elevated reality, the more fervently challenges tend to come forward as hostile forces try to hold on. This is an aspect of what is being witnessed currently as it relates to the polarization between political parties, for example.
The Bnay Yiasakhar, shares that in the future Heshvan will receive its fullness and the third Temple, as it were, will be dedicated in Ram Heshvan.
When we are aware of patterns in time imprinted in our local cosmos, we can anticipate the actions and emotions of friends, family, community, and ourselves. We can become observers and guide a process rather than get caught up in negativity and fear.
It’s okay if people are argumentative and obstinate. Please do not get angry or caught in an argument; instead notice it. You can help it dissipate by gently redirecting the dialogue if you are moved to do so.
Locate the spark of God that is in the person. See and appreciate it. Remember, it is there in each of us.
In your mind’s eye, visualize the most favorable outcome and be open to the possibility of it manifesting.
When we operate in this way we participate in transforming Mar (bitter) Heshvan is changed to Raam (exalted) Heshvan.
- R. Kalonymus Kalman of Piasetzna (5704) 4 Heshvan 5704 2 Nov 1943
- R. Nahum of Chernobyl (5559) 11 Heshvan 5559 21 Oct 1798
- Yitzhak Rabin (5756) 11 Heshvan 5756 4 Nov 1995
- R. Shlomo Carlebach (5755) 16 Heshvan 5755 21 Oct 1994
- R. Abraham of Slonim (5644) 19 Heshvan 5644 19 Nov 1883
- R. Leo Baeck (5717) 28 Heshvan 5717 2 Nov 1956
The tetragrammaton, YHVH, has four letters made of three unique Hebrew letters. Each month has a unique permutation of the Divine Name attached to it. The permutation offers an indication of the energies moving in that month. We will focus primarily on the version offered by the Gra since most people are familiar with it. The first month in Torah is Nissan, and the permutation is the one we are familiar with YHVH. It deviates from there. A chart that breaks down aspects of the Secret of Twelve that includes of months and names can be found below. Gaze at it. I’d love to hear what comes up for you in a comment.
ו ה ה י