Tmimah Audrey ickovits

Time Travel w T’mimah (Summer)

Summer heat is on. Beyn Hamaytzarim; between the tight and narrow places refers to the days between the 17th of ...

Time Travel with T’mimah (Tammuz Musings)

This Shabbes brings the New Moon of Tammuz - just two weeks prior to the Summer Solstice. Sunshine feels wonderful. ...

Tisha B’Av Musings 2010

One of the things that troubles me about Tisha b'Av is that there is so very much sadness and mourning. ...

Summer Heat

An opportunity for transformation each and every year exists. The process is beginning right now quietly and with subtlety. It ...

Eating Kitniyot (Legumes) on Pesach

Eating Kitniyot (Legumes) on Pesach (OH 453:1) Question: In light of the ingathering of the exiles, would it be ...

Inspiration from Pesach 2011

MPesach practice offers fewer choices than the rest of the year. Leavened grains are not permitted, and this being true, ...

Rosh Hodesh Nissan; New Moon of Aries

MB"H Shalom Friends, On April 5 the new moon was seen in the night sky to herald the coming of ...


Mischief and pranks fill the air. This lunar cycle invites the madcap festivities of Purim, Mardi Gras and ST. Patrick's ...

